Course Overview
To encourage the development, knowledge and confidence in supporting those with additional learning needs, from across the age ranges and cognitive understanding. How do individuals with a variety of Learning Disabilities learn best in schools? The course helps develop knowledge around how best to support different cohorts of learners and deepen our understanding of the Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) needs of individuals with a range of needs.
Course members will explore the particular requirements and strategies that can be used to support individuals with a range of Special Educational Needs; including autistic learners, those with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) those who struggle with their social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) learners with Downs syndrome and those who have a Multi-Sensory Impairment (MSI).
Course members will also gain an understanding of the EHCP process and the variety of terms and language used in the world of SEND.
“A person’s ability to communicate is not dependent on their being able to master certain skills, it is dependent on our ability to listen and communicate responsively”
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Training Events for Understanding SEND:
Central & Greater London
North West, Manchester & Cheshire
Alternatively, you can call:
07745 665230 or
01925 909429